DesignAmid Magazine

DesignAmid Magazine

DesignAmid Magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


AdaptDx Pro

The AdaptDx Pro is an automated dark adaptometer that offers the ophthalmic industry a wearable test device that benefit patients by early detection of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The wearable device is powered by a digital assistant named Theia which guides the testing and interacts with patients using voice prompts driven by artificial intelligence. A personalized testing environment is achieved with adjustable padded head straps and flexible eye cups that ensure a light-tight seal. Internally, a camera guided positioning system aligns optics for testing.

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Hill Wind

The outline of the external form adopts the thinking mode of modern architecture. The designer extracts the image of geometric clouds from the origami concept and extends the irregular shapes. With the same type of white film as the internationally renowned Burj Al Arab, the two elements are integrated through structural changes, which bring out the best in each other. The building gives people a concise feeling with a balanced and modern texture, and endows the space with different personalities, while leaving a lasting aftertaste.

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Winetime Seafood

The packaging design for the Winetime Seafood series should demonstrate the freshness and reliability of the product, should differ it favorably from competitors, be harmonious and understandable. The colors used (blue, white and orange) create a contrast, emphasize important elements and reflect brand positioning. The single unique concept developed distinguishes the series from other manufacturers. The strategy of visual information made it possible to identify the product variety of the series, and the usage of illustrations instead of photos made the packaging more interesting.

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Lavazza Tiny

A small, friendly espresso machine bringing authentic Italian coffee experience to your home. The design is joyfully Mediterranean – composed of basic formal building blocks – celebrating colours and applying Lavazza’s design language in surfacing and detailing. The main shell is made from one piece and has soft but precisely controlled surfaces. The central crest adds visual structure and the frontal pattern repeats the horizontal theme often present on Lavazza products.

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Mac Gyver Season 4

I was in charge of the re-design of the main title sequence for Mac Gyver Season 4. In order to bring this sequence to the next level. We had to re-think the sequence from scratch. We decided to create a sequence in one long shot generated in 3D. The idea is to bring the viewer into Mac Gyver's unique creative process. It's a journey into Mac Gyver's mind.

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Phuket VIP Mercury

Based on the theme of openness and brand in-depth exploration, explored the design and created a visual integration of visual extensibility and brand story with the planet as the main creative element. The plan solved the following three problems with new visual thinkings: The balance of space openness and functions; Division and combination of functional areas of space; The regularity and change of the basic spatial style.

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